AMD Athlon 64 til salg i Japan

Diverse d.  12. september. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 357 gange.

XBit-Labs rapporterer at AMD's Athlon 64 3200+ nu kan købes i Japan, prisen er US$ 475. Ifølge XBit-Labs er disse 2 GHz processorer lavet i uge 30 i år 2003, hvilket svarer til at processoren skulle være fremstillet i Juli. Det tyder på at de produktions-problemer der har været med AMD's 64-bit processorer er blevet løst. Når Athlon 64 bliver lanceret den 23. september, skulle det være i versioner på 2.0 og 2.2 GHz.

As estimated, AMD?s Athlon 64 3200+ for Socket 754 with single-channel PC3200 memory controller, 1MB L2 cache and 128KB of L1 cache costs a bit less than $500 ? roughly $475. The CPUs were made on the 30th week of the year 2003 and are clocked at 2.0GHz, according to an Akiba report. In case such frequency could be achieved in production quantities back in late July, products with higher - 2.20GHz ? core-clock should be definitely available by the end of September.

It definitely worth pointing out that MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R mainboards and coolers for AMD Athlon 64 CPUs are also available in Japan. Hence, lucky Japanese are in position to build up fully functional AMD Athlon 64-based systems.

OPN of the just appeared AMD64 processor for desktops is ADA3200AEP5AP, the VCore of the chip produced using 0.13 micron fabrication process is 1.55V.

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