8x DVD+R test

Diverse d.  13. september. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 418 gange.

Anandtech har fået fat i Plextor's helt nye 708A DVD+R 8x drev, som er i stand til at brænde 4.38 GB data på mellem 8 og 9 minutter. Det bliver kun endnu bedre når det kan gøres på 4x DVD+R medier.

Back in July, Philips (DVD+R forum) officially announced the DVD+R format specification, part of which was to increase the recording speed standard to 8X. DVD+R 8X is a little different from other recording speed standards, as the drive starts burning at 6X CLV, then jumps to 8X CLV for the outer surface. So even though, technically, the drive does not obtain a sustained 8X burn, we see burn times around 8 or 9 minutes for full 4.38GB of data. What really sweetens the pie is that 4X capable DVD+R media should burn fine at 8X.

Læs testen her: http://www.anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.html?i=1864