ATI 9600Pro og Nvidia 5600-kort er begge henvendt til mid-range markedet, og ligger i ca samme prisleje, så hvis du skal ud at have dig et nyt grafikkort i denne klasse er dette nok svaret på dine bønner!
"A key fact to remember, in spite of all the marketing, is that the 9600 and the 5600 are not meant to replace the 9500 series and the TI4x00 series of cards, in the strictest of sense. If you remember some of the scores of the older seires of cards, you will see, the newer cards will not hold up against the old cards in DirectX8 benchmarks. The new cards add only two important features, DX9 support and the 0.13u processing technology. The latter is only important insofar as it is an experimentation of sorts for the companies to improve the next round of cards." Her er det så: