PSU Loom Guide - Part One.

Diverse d.  08. oktober. 2003, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 521 gange.

PSU Loom Guide - Part One.
Få styr på dine PSU kabler så dit casemod straks præsenterer sig bedre.
Endnu en i rækken af guides der beskriver hvordan ens PSU kan loom'es. Her på sitet har vi en guide på dansk, forfattet af vores egen Phreak.
I have had more than a few people ask, "How can I hide the ugly wiring inside my case?" And to answer that question, I have composed the following guide using the "Lab Rat" as the subject. Man, if ever a case needed some serious wire management, this is the one. So roll up your sleeves (no pun intended), and let's get at it.

Link til OC-Guiden:

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