Flere problemer for Intel's Prescott

Diverse d.  27. oktober. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 493 gange.

Ifølge The Inquirer er der nu flere problemer med Intel's kommende high-end processor, som går under kodenavnet Prescott. Ud over de seriøse varmeproblemer, som i lang tid har plaget Prescott, er der nu også problemer med bussen. Og oveni i disse problemer, vil Prescott heller ikke virke med de eksisterende i865 og i875 chipsets, som jo skulle kunne køre ved 800 MHz, det vil Prescott bare ikke.

The Japanese article says systems won't work with 800MHz front side buses, while Intel is frantically attempting to create fresh packaging and a further stepping ? C1 ? for the chip.

But qualification samples, the article continues, aren't likely to go out the door until December. That means that if Intel makes its own February deadline, volume is unlikely to appear until the second quarter of next year. And Intel's most recent roadmaps suggested that it would start using the LGA775 design for Prescott in Q2 as well, which is when its "Grantsdale" chipsets are supposed to appear.

If the reports are true, the delay might mean not only a boost for AMD with its Athlon 64 family, but also goes some way towards explaining why Xeon MP chips at speeds of 3.2GHz and 3.4GHz and with large caches, are in the pipeline.

Læs meget mere på The Inquirer.net: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=12353