Athlon 64 FX med CAS 2 hukommelse

Diverse d.  27. oktober. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 465 gange.

AMD Zone har fået fat i OCZ's nye PC3200 Cas 2 EL Registeret Dual Channel hukommelse. Det er det første hukommelse til AMD's Athlon 64 FX som kan køre ved de lave CAS 2 timings, og dermed skulle Athlon 64 FX blive endnu hurtigere. Men den store ydelsesforbedring udebliver i AMD Zone's tests, i hvert fald efter min mening, men AMD Zone er vist meget tilfredse:

You can see that there is a benefit from going from Cas 2.5 to Cas 2 on Athlon 64 FX or Opteron. The difference is not as obvious when using applications that are not as memory intensive, but it will help the Athlon 64 FX show more of an improvement over the Athlon 64 which has benefited from much faster memory until this point.

Now the questions shift to what will the cost for this faster registered memory be, and how is availability. So far we don't have information on pricing, and we have not yet been able to find the memory available for sale. We will update when we have more information.

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