Diamond vender tilbage...

Diverse d.  28. oktober. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 513 gange.

Fra tid til anden vender varemærker tilbage fra fortiden, og nu vender en af de mest populære grafikkort-producenter nogensinde tilbage. Diamond Multimedia vil denne gang holde sig fra produktionen, men de legendariske Viper og Stealth grafikkort vender tilbage, og det sker allerede i november, med grafikprocessorer fra både ATi og nVidia. Personligt var Diamond Multimedia min favorit, så jeg glæder mig til at se hvad de kan præstere...

Diamond Multimedia, a pioneer in the graphics industry, today announced its return to the consumer graphics market with plans to launch next-generation graphics cards under its legendary Stealth and Viper brands.

Continuing the tradition of these brands, the Stealth product line will offer a full series of value-based cards while Viper will target high-end gamers. True to its heritage, Diamond will continue to remain chip vendor neutral, offering consumers products from multiple vendors to provide maximum performance and value at each price point.

The first new Diamond graphics cards will begin shipping in November and are planned to feature technology from both of the leading graphics chip vendors, ATI Technologies and NVIDIA. As with previous Diamond products, the new lines will include bundles of popular software titles and additional offers and will be available at national retailers and through distribution.

Læs mere her: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/video/display/20031028135840.html

eller besøg Diamond Multimedia's hjemmeside: http://www.diamondmm.com/