AMD Athlon 64 3400+ i december

Diverse d.  03. november. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 426 gange.

Ifølge Xbit Labs, vil AMD introducere en Athlon 64 3400+ i December, clockfrekvensen på denne processor vil være den samme som AMD's topmodel, Athlon 64 FX-51. Man kunne måske håbe at introduktionen af en hurtigere Athlon 64, vil sænke prisen på den nuværende model.

Since both the ?FX? and ?ordinary? 64-bit desktop microprocessors from AMD are ramped up at the company?s Fab 30 in Dresden, Germany, using the 0.13 micron SOI technology process, 2.20GHz is not really a milestone for AMD and its Athlon 64 CPUs next month. Keeping this in mind, we may expect AMD to be in a position to supply enough Athlon 64 processors rated at 3400+ for holidays later this year.

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