AMD er begyndt at bygge en fabrik i Dresden, lige ved siden af deres nuværende Fab30. Den ny fabrik, Fab36, som skal stå færdig i 2006, skal producere processorer med 65nm teknologi, med 300 mm wafers. Den nuværende fabrik i Dresden benytter 200 mm wafers, og vil snart kunne producere processorer med 90nm teknologi. Den nye fabrik vil koste 2,4 milliarder dollars, eller 15 milliarder danske kroner.
AS EXPECTED, AMD will build its 300 millimeter fabrication plant in Dresden, bang next to its existing Fab 30.
The firm said the diggers have moved in and the fab will be ready in 2006, just like Hector Ruiz told Dan Niles a day or two back. Læs mere på The Inquirer.net: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=12770
XbitLabs har også mere om nyheden:
The facility, named AMD Fab 36, is part of AMD Dresden Fab 36 LLC & Co and will be located in Dresden, Germany, adjacent to AMD Fab 30. The 300mm AMD Fab 36 is expected to be in volume production in 2006. The new facility is expected to require approximately 1000 employees, most of them highly skilled engineers and technicians. The fab may become Europe?s largest semiconductor manufacturing facility, some analysts indicated. Læs mere på XBitLabs.com: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cpu/display/20031120032804.html