Anandtech tester low-end processorer

Diverse d.  04. december. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 539 gange.

Vi har længe vidst at Intels Celeron processor ikke er nogen hurtigløber, men Anandtechs test af low-end processorer er ligefrem skræmmende, det er faktisk svært at beskrive. Det er afskyeligt at Intel overhovedet vil byde deres kunder en så ringe ydelse, man forstår ikke at verdens største processor-fabrikant vil synke så lavt, men omvendt forstår man nu hvorfår der så få benchmarks med Celeron. Her er et nogle udklip fra testen, og jeg vil anbefale at læse testen:

As we can see by the graph, all the AMD processors performed better at this test than any of the Intel CPUs. What's also important to note is that a score of a 10.0 here is about the performance level of a 1GHz Pentium III, which should help you put the Celeron's performance in perspective.

Generally, encoding is an area where Intel's processors shine, but this time, it's a different story. Only the fastest Celerons that we tested were able to keep up with the slowest AMD processors. The 2.6GHz Celeron only beats the 1.6GHz Duron by about half a frame per second. When we saw this test stacking up the way it has, we lost hope in any Celeron keeping up with even the least expensive AMD processors in any test.

Once again, the fastest XP is almost twice as fast as the fastest Celeron. This time, the Duron is an incredible 45.9% faster than the 2.6GHz Celeron.

We would highly encourage system vendors like Compaq and eMachines to shift their low-end focus to AMD if their customers are of any importance at all. As we've seen through our extensive benchmarking, the Celeron's performance is truly dismal; so while Intel is quite competitive in the mid-range and high-end segments, their value processors are inexcusably slow compared to AMD.

Læs testen på Anandtech: