The Inquirer har spekuleret i hvad der ville ske hvis Microsoft købte AMD, resultatet ville måske slet ikke være så dårligt endda ?
Why does this work?
Microsoft would be in a position to promote the benefits of 64-bit computing. This transition would be perfect to push AMD64 technology. Fabs need cash and Microsoft has plenty of it. Microsoft could build enough capacity in five years to take a majority share of the CPU market. Since Microsoft is famous for taking care of its employees, it can avoid an AMD exodus by providing up-front assurances to employees.
Microsoft will acquire all of AMD?s patents which will give their X-Box a big boost over the next few generations.
This would be a major coup for Microsoft for many reasons. It can leverage its hold on the operating systems into CPUs with a fraction of its cash. In only a few years, the software giant could turn AMD assets into a company with parity, if not dominance, over Intel. Læs mere på TheInquirer.net: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13077