AMD Athlon 64 3000+ ude på mandag...

Diverse d.  13. december. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 516 gange.

AMD frigiver en 2.0 GHz version af deres Athlon 64 på mandag, med kun 512 KB L2 cache. Den får modelnummeret 3000+, og så kommer prisen under 2000 kroner. Dermed bliver indstigningsprisen til en 64-bit computer cirka 1000 kroner mindre, og det skal nok gøre Athlon 64 mere populær. Alle nuværende Athlon 64 processorer har 1 MB L2 cache, og den nye Athlon 64 går under kodenavnet "Newcastle".

The more interesting bit is the pricing. The current Athlon64 3200+ can be found for about $400 -- give or take a few. This new chip will be a little more than half that when it debuts, most likely on December 15, but that could still change by a few days. Look for the price to be less than $225 once the newness factor wears off. While this release is probably too late to affect Christmas sales much, it bodes well for 64 bit chip pricing in the new year.

One thing that makes me wonder is what will happen when AMD releases the 3400+ in early January. Will it drop the price of the 3200+ and the 3000+, or just the 3200+? Will it take the "we have the high ground" route and slot the 3400+ in above the 3200+ without dropping prices? Where will that leave the FX-51?

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