Den nye Athlon 64 3000+ er hurtigere i spil end en Pentium 4 på 3.2 GHz. Det viser tests foretaget af tyske Hard Tecs 4U.
As you can see, Athlon 64 won eight of the nine benchmarks, and one of them by 27%. For those who need superior gaming performance than a 3.2 GHz P4, but at less cost, these benchmarks indicate that the Athlon 64 3000+ is the way to go.
It was a smart move on AMD's part to release this device at the same frequency as its sibling, but with half the level two cache, as it still betters the P4 in the very important world of gaming. Læs mere på TheInquirer.net: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13187
Læs testen (på tysk) her: http://www.hardtecs4u.com/reviews/2003/amd_athlon64_3000/