Rygter fortæller nu at Intel har været nødt til at forlænge pipelinen på deres kommende high-end processor, Prescott. Hvis rygterne taler sandt er det rigtig dårlig nyt for Intel, da en længere pipeline højst sandsynligt vil sluge eventuelle hastighedsforbedringer som SSE3 instruktioner giver. Grunden til denne ændring skulle angiveligt være at Intel ikke har kunnet hæve clockfrekvensen, på trods af den nye 90 nm teknologi.
But it seems that the heat problems that the Prescott suffered from earlier this year has forced Intel to re-make the chips masks, with additional stages in the pipeline to get rid of the double clocking of the chip circuitry and the L1 cache decode.
That, however, will have an impact on the performance of the processor, if it turns out to be true. Branch prediction misses will cause a lot more trouble, for example. And, again, if this is correct, it will mean that any performance increases Intel might have got, the increased internal tables could well hold up additional instructions which are shuffling through the processor. Læs mere på TheInquirer.net: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13383