Intel har introduceret Celeron M, den første Celeron i lang tid der har en chance for at byde på en rimelig ydelse. Celeron M er baseret på samme kerne som Pentium M, eneste forskel er at L2 cachen er halveret. Da Pentium M i forvejen har 1 MB L2 cache, vil man kunne finde 512 KB L2 cache på Celeron M, og dermed har denne processor rent faktisk en chance for at yde rimeligt. Clockfrekvenserne er selvfølgelig i den lave ende, således annoncerede Intel en 1.3 og en 1.2 GHz version, samt en 800 MHz Ultra Lov-Volt version. Celeron M benytter sig af samme 400 MHz bus som Pentium M, og understøtter SSE2 instruktionssættet. Selv med de lave clockfrekvenser, vil Celeron M helt sikkert være hurtigere end en standard Celeron, og strømforbruget vil også være lavere. Celeron M vil, ligesom Pentium M, indgå i Centrino platformen, som dermed får meget lavere indstigningspriser.
Læs mere her: http://www.intel.com/products/notebook/processors/celeron_m/index.htm?iid=HPAGE+low_prod_040105&
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 5, 2004 -- Intel Corporation today introduced the Intel® Celeron® M processor for mobile PCs. This processor line represents a new generation of Intel technology for the mobility value market segment. Intel has also unveiled a new brand and logo for this product line.
Based on Intel's micro-architecture designed specifically for mobile computing, the Intel Celeron M processor offers users a balanced level of mobile-optimized processor technology, good mobile performance and exceptional value in sleeker, lighter notebook designs.
Specifications and Pricing
The Intel Celeron M processor is built on Intel's 0.13-micron process technology. The standard-voltage version is available at speeds of 1.30 GHz and 1.20 GHz, operates at 1.356 volts and has a thermal design power (TDP) of 24.5 watts. The ultra-low voltage (ULV) version is available at 800 MHz, operates at 1.004 volts and has a TDP of 7 watts. All three versions of the Intel Celeron M processor feature a 400 MHz processor system bus and 512 KB of L2 cache, and support advanced mobile power management, including Deep Sleep states, which help enable longer battery life by minimizing the power consumption of the processor during brief periods of inactivity by the user. These features enable thinner, lighter notebooks with good mobile performance and battery life for the price-sensitive value PC market segment. The processors are compatible with the Intel® 855 chipset family as well as the Intel® 852GM chipset to enable cost effective, scalable platforms for system manufacturers.
In 1,000-unit quantities, the Intel Celeron M processors at 1.30 GHz and 1.20 GHz are priced at $134 and $107, respectively; the ULV Intel Celeron M processor at 800 MHz is priced at $161.
About Intel's Notebook Technologies
Intel has created a full line of notebook technologies, designed from the ground up for mobility. Intel® Centrino? mobile technology represents the combination of Intel's best notebook technologies, delivering true mobility by enabling breakthrough mobile performance, extended battery life, integrated wireless LAN capability and thinner, lighter notebook designs. Intel has rounded out its family of notebook technologies with today's introduction of the Intel Celeron M processor.
Intel, the world's largest chip maker, is also a leading manufacturer of computer, networking and communications products. Additional information about Intel is available at www.intel.com/pressroom.