Test af 8 Serial-ATA RAID controllere

Diverse d.  04. februar. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1464 gange.

XBit-Labs har testet 8 Serial-ATA RAID controllere, alle er testet i RAID 0, og resultaterne svinger meget. Interessant var det især at Intels IHC-5R og VIAs VT8237 RAID controllere, som findes på en hel del bundkort, også var med i testsen. Til hjemmebrug var de begge blandt de bedste, men VIA var den bedste.

So, we?ve got the daintiest dish left ? File-Copy Test. We stick to our traditional methodology: we create two logical volumes, 32GB each, on the array and format them in NTFS and FAT32. We create a set of files on the first volume, then this set is read from the array, then copied into a folder on the first volume (copy-near ? inside one and the same logical disk), and finally copied onto another disk (copy-far). FC-Test version 0.5.3 differs from version 0.3 in the zip emulation function. You can measure the time spent on zipping and the average speed (as we know the total size of the files included into the pattern).

Læs testen her: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/storage/display/controllers-raid0.html