Engelske Hexus.net har testet EPoXs nye Small Form Factor system, eX5-300S Mine Me. Det lille system, adskiller sig en del fra størstedelen af konkurrenterne, med et LCD-display i fronten, som gør det muligt at afspille cd'ere, uden at tænde for computeren - det er dog set før, blandt andet i ABits DigiDice.
"There's enough here to make the eX5-300S Mini Me SFF system sell on pure merit. We can just see enthusiasts using the highly overclockable Northwood Pentium 4 200MHz CPUs and decent graphics cards for true desktop replacement action, or it could be used as a fileserver, glorified media box or quiet, low-power system. That's exactly the role of any SFF PC, to be fit for more than one use. There are only so many ways to design a SFF system, EPoX appears to have chosen a good one" Læs testen her: http://www.hexus.net/content/reviews/review.php?dXJsX3Jldmlld19JRD02OTk