Test af Asus CRW-5232AS CD-brænder

Diverse d.  09. februar. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 600 gange.

Viperlair har testet denne lydhurtige cd-brænder fra Asus, der brænder med 52x, og genskriver med 32x hastighed. Udover den høje hastighed, byder dette drev også på nyeste teknik til dæmpning af vibrationer, og dermed også mindsker støj.

"The results are impressive to say the least. Two and a half minutes to burn a nearly full audio CD isn't bad, and burning 133 small separate files to a CD in 4:10 is also quite quick. Also, noting that burning less files that are bigger is quicker than many small files. When needing to archive something quickly to give to a friend, or finish that vital piece of homework on time, having write speeds like this is invaluable."

Læs testen her: http://www.viperlair.com/reviews/mem_store/other/optical/asus52x/