Test af MSI FX5700 Ultra-TD128 grafikkort

Diverse d.  11. februar. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 664 gange.

Viperlair har testet MSIs bud på et grafikkort til de entusiaster, som ikke har råd til de helt dyre grafikkort. Kortet er udstyret med nVidias udmærkede GeForce FX 5700 Ultra grafikprocessor, som er blandt de hurtigste blandt mainstream grafikprocessorer, hvis man ser bort fra nVidias egen GeForce FX 5900XT.

In the world of graphic cards, you have plenty of choices at different prices. However, are there any differences when you come to compare few mid-range card together that are almost the same? With a lot of today's mid ranged offerings, can you save a couple hundred dollars to have almost the same performance as a high-end card (at resolutions 1024 and lower)?

As many of you are probably aware, there is a battle between the two giants, nVidia and ATI, for your hard earned greenbacks. While ATI has the Radeon 9600 XT, nVidia has fired back with the FX5700 Ultra. This is a continuation of their 9600 Pro/FX5600 Ultra fued. We've covered these products in the past, and today, we'll be focussing on the FX5700 Ultra, and gauge its performance against FX5600 Ultra, and tell you how much nVidia has improved their product.

Læs testen her: http://www.viperlair.com/reviews/video_graph/msi/fx/5700u/