Opteron og Athlon 64 processorer vil få support for DDR-II SDRAM i løbet af 2004. Da AMDs processorer jo benytter en intern hukommelses-kontroller er det et større skridt end det hidtil har været for processor-fabrikanter. Hastighederne for DDR-II kontrollerne vil være 667 og 800 MHz. De to processorer som vil understøtte DDR-II går under kodenavnene "Winchester" og "San Diego", som vil have henholdsvis 1 MB og 512 KB L2 cache. Begge vil være baseret på 90nm SOI-teknologi.
Some mainboard makers indicate that there are Opteron processors with dual-channel DDR-II SDRAM memory controllers coming in late Q4 2004 or early Q1 2005. There are no details about the new chips presently, though, this is not the first time, when rumours about DDR-II support by San Diego transpire.
What may seem to be highly possible is that Advanced Micro Devices may add support for 533MHz, 667MHz and 800MHz speed flavours of DDR-II, but not to cope with 400MHz bin. ?667MHz may be considered as a good option, keeping in mind its speed, latencies and costs? a source close to the Sunnyvale, California-based chipmaker noted. Læs mere på XBit-Labs.com: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cpu/display/20040212022200.html