Intel har planer om at Itanium og Xeon i fremtiden skal bruge samme sokler, således at det er muligt at skifte en Xeon ud med en Itanium, og omvendt. I øjeblikket bruger Xeon en 603-pins sokkel, mens Itanium bruger en 700-pins. Tidshorisonten er dog lang, de to vil først være kompatible i 2006-2007.
Intel Corporation this week confirmed its plans to bring compatible platforms for its Xeon and Itanium microprocessors for servers and workstations. There are no timeframes, but now there is a strong a clear plan to release something that is likely to bridge two different visions of computing ? IA64 and IA32.
?In the next few years, the company will work on a ?common platform so that Itanium and Xeon processors are interchangeable at a socket level,? said David Kuck, a manager with Intel?s Software & Solutions Group, speaking at the ClusterWorld conference, InfoWorld web-site reports. Læs mere på XBit-Labs.com: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cpu/display/20040409084856.html