GDDR4 i 2004...

Diverse d.  06. maj. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1302 gange.

Afløseren til GDDR3 hukommelse, som findes på de nyeste grafikkort, vil være klar inden nytår. Ikke overraskende kaldes det GDDR4, og clockfrekvenserne op omkring 1.4 GHz eller 2.8 GHz effektivt. Den nuværende GDDR3 teknologi kan opnå clockfrekvenser op imod 1.0 GHz eller 2.0 GHz effektivt.

The GDDR4 memory builds upon the GDDR3 standard, just like the latter evolved from the GDDR2 specification, therefore, it is possible to expect the technology to utilize the point-to-point nature. There are no revolutions, it is said now, but special tweaks to bolster clock-speeds of DRAMs used on graphics cards brought by GDDR4.

The current goals for the GDDR4 are to complete the process of standardization by the end of 2004 and push up the frequencies towards the 1.40GHz (2.80GHz effective) level. Lower clock-speeds, e.g. 1.00GHz (2.00GHz effective) are achievable by the GDDR3 technology, according to Samsung Electronics, who plans to debut such memory by the end of the year.

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