AMD64 er kraften bag sidste Star Wars prequel

Diverse d.  11. august. 2004, skrevet af Greforb 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 637 gange.

AMD annoncerede i dag, at AMD Opteron baserede servere og workstations er computerkraften bag Star Wars: Episode III "Revenge of the Sith". Læs udsnit af pressemeddelelsen herunder:

SIGGRAPH, LOS ANGELES-AUGUST 10, 2004-At Siggraph today, AMD (NYSE: AMD) announced that AMD Opteron(tm) processor-based servers and workstations are providing the digital backbone for the final Star Wars prequel, Episode III: "Revenge of the Sith." The AMD64 digital processing pipeline at JAK Films, the production company for Star Wars: Episode III, includes pre-visualization and pre-postproduction, which involves 3-D match moving, 3-D modeling, lighting, shading, texturing, compositing and rendering techniques. The AMD64 processor-based workstation systems are running Microsoft(r) Windows(r) XP Pro, Alias' Maya and Adobe(r) After Effects software. AMD64 processor-based file server systems are running on clustered Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 software.
