Swiftech MCW5002 vandkølehoved m. peltier.

Diverse d.  21. august. 2004, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 460 gange.

Swiftech MCW5002 vandkølehoved m. peltier.
SystemCooling kigger her Swiffys kombinerede vand & peltier kølehoved grundigt efter i sømmene.
The Swiftech MCW5002-64T thermoelectric cooler is a high quality unit that comes preassembled and ready to install. It easily lowered the test CPU full load temperature well below the ambient room temperature. This is 20~30ºC lower than with most good HSFs or water-cooling systems, which will be of great benefit to the enthusiastic overclocker!
