CPU "Historie".

Diverse d.  23. august. 2004, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1233 gange.

CPU "Historie".
Anandtech gennemgår her AMD & Intel processorer fra 500 MHz og op. Artiklen omfatter "Cheatsheet" for nemmere overblik.
Obviously, that's only a brief glimpse at the processor histories of AMD and Intel, with a vague picture of the future. Dual core designs should start appearing within the next year, and rumors of quad core processors are also floating around the web. At some point, we will likely reach the limits of current manufacturing technologies, but that day is still a long ways off. AMD and Intel both have technologies in development that should carry us past 45 nm process technologies, and probably down to single digits in our lifetime. That's assuming we don't get quantum computers first, that make all of the current binary systems seem quaint by comparison.
