ATi og nVidia HDTV sat op mod hinanden.

Diverse d.  26. august. 2004, skrevet af KTD 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 890 gange.

Der er her blevet lavet en test hvor man sætter ATi's og nVidia's HDTV kort, med overscan muligheder op mod hinanden. Se hvordan de klarer sig i denne test.

Se hvad de mener i testen her:

"If you are shopping around for a video card that can do HDTV output, ATI provides more purchasing options and is obviously the cheapest way to go should you already own a supported card, but their HDTV output support doesn't provide the fix that everyone is going to be happy with. If you can wait a bit, NVIDIA is supposed to support HDTV output via DVI in ForceWare 65.xx, which won't cost a dime (minus internet associated costs) to download and try out if you already own a GeForce FX or 6800 card. Meanwhile, ATI has no comment on future driver support for HDTV output via DVI."

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