Ars Technica spår en bred og sløv fremtid for Intel.

Diverse d.  14. september. 2004, skrevet af KTD 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1340 gange.

Ars Technica Spår en bred og sløv fremtid for Intel.

Ars Technica mener at Intel er gået fra en smal og hurtig strategi, til en langt mere bred og langsom en.
Der bliver også kommenteret på Intels fremtid med Fler-kernede-CPU'er.


"The opening to my first P4 vs. G4e article was taken up with characterizing the Pentium 4's approach to performance as "fast and narrow", versus the G4e's "slow and wide" approach. The Pentium 4's performance is dependent on its ability to complete a sequence of instructions very, very rapidly, one after the other. So the Pentium 4 pushes the code stream through its narrow execution core, a core that consists of relatively few functional units, in a rapid-fire, serial manner."

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