Vandpumpe mod @ a1 electronics

Diverse d.  22. september. 2004, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 759 gange.

Alt hvad der KAN moddes, SKAL moddes, right?
a1 electronics har moddet en vandpumpe for at se hvad det gør ved ydelsen.
Kan det svare sig?

"We think our graph ABOVE shows it all. Increasing the Titan TWC-A04 water pump voltage to about 7.5 volts gives a substantial increase in cooling performance such that it is now in-line with the other water cooled heatsink systems tested here.

We could say that if Titan TWC-A04 had used a 12 volt water pump as Thermaltake do with their systems then the cooling performance would be nearer our Aquarius III Mods 5 because both these have radiators inside the main cooling unit which makes a difference when compared to the Thermaltake BigWater."