Ny Shuttle på banen XPC SB77G5.

Diverse d.  28. oktober. 2004, skrevet af KTD 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 286 gange.

Ny Shuttle på banen XPC SB77G5.

Så er der endnu en Shuttle på markedet, denne gang er der langt vægt på hvad de selv kalder "Extreme Performance".

Taipei, Taiwan - October 28, 2004) Shuttle Inc, the leading designer and manufacturer of small form-factor (SFF) computers and accessories, is proud to announce the XPC SB77G5. This high-performance SFF computer joins our industry-best XPC product-line as an upgrade to the extremely popular SB75G2, and the first 875P-based SFF computer to support LGA 775 CPUs and 8X AGP cards.

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