Grafikkort: 27 GPU'er på test-bænken

Diverse d.  16. februar. 2005, skrevet af Illuminati 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 444 gange.

Hvilket grafikkort skal man vælge? Et godt værktøj til at træffe dette valg kan være en omfattende test af de førende grafikkort på markedet.
Enkelte læsere kan have stødt på testen og allerede have læst denne da del 1 og 2 af testen er fra henholdsvis 14 og 15 februar. Nyheden er indsendt af en bruger på siden, og er derfor blevet frigivet.

Part I:

Today we would like to present to you an unprecedented testing of 27 different graphics cards based on GPUs from ATI and NVIDIA supporting different interfaces (AGP and PCI Express) and representing all today?s market segments starting from the Ultra-High-End solutions supporting NVIDIA?s multi-GPU configurations, and finishing with Budget-Mainstream segment. Check out the first part of our article to read about the major events of the 3D graphics market in the past year that brought us all these products!

Part II:
Today we would like to offer you a continuation of our ultimate testing of 27 different graphics cards based on GPUs from ATI and NVIDIA supporting different interfaces (AGP and PCI Express). Do you feel lost in the tons of graphics cards out there? Then our indepth performance guide will definitely help you out!