mCubed HFX® micro Så ser det endelig ud til at den er der, efter at have vundet 1st prisen "People's Choice Award" på Intel Challenge 2007, af exclusive HTPC-Cases.
Officiel UK Pressemeddelse: Vienna, 26.03.2007 - mCubed in Top 10 of Intels Challenge PC Design - People choice awards
"We tried to reduce everything to the necessary minimum," said mCubed Information Technology GmbH's Managing Director,
Maik Berendt. mCubed's submission for the Intel Core Processor Challenge PC Design, the aluminum and acrylic HFX micro, uses an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and a fanless, noiseless cooling system of integrated heatsinks and heatpipes. With a total volume of only 4.4 liters, the small, sleek and silent HFX micro could be your People's Choice.
Official Launch of mCubed HFX® micro After winning 1st price of the "People's Choice Award" at the Intel Challenge 2007, the German-Austrian manufacturer of exclusive HTPC-Cases is finally launching their exclusive newcomer, mCubed's HFX® micro.
Thereto, Marketing & PR responsible,
Suryati Mai:
"By winning 1st price as darling of the public, we have proven that even a compact model does not necessarily have to miss out on a harmonic symbiosis based on timeless design, cutting-edge technology and a distinctive high extent on quality. Worldwide we were able to outrival 45 competitors. Now its time to make people aware of our great new product.
Despite it's petit size you will be surprised that a DVD writer, 2 HDDs as well as 2 TV-cards easily find their space.
The complete fanless case with integrated heatpipes and heatsinks provides fantastic cooling for all components. Therefore, a silent operation of the PC and avoidance of unnecessary development of heat and annoying dust is guaranteed.
More and more standard devices become compatible with our excellent passive cooling technology. On the basis of these facts, we are excited on the future to come."
From today, the HFX® micro is available via our responsible distributors of the respective markets and will be offered as a case, as a bundle and furthermore, as a complete built PC.
For more information about mCubed HFX® micro: Data specification of mCubed HFX® micro: håber selvfølgelig snarest at kunne have et review af denne klar.
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