CyberMods på Computex

Diverse d.  21. maj. 2017, skrevet af KleitusIV 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 7221 gange.

Live modding konkurrence på Computex 2017

Nu er der snart blot en uge til årets Computex konference løber af stablen, og som tidligere år dækker HWT med billeder og nyheder.

En af årets begivenheder bliver den store modding konkurrence arrangeret af CyberMedia og TAITRA, hvor moddere fra hele verden skal dyste i at lave det fedeste mod på 24 timer. Herefter vil en jury kåre de 3 bedste mods, hvor vinderen får 3000$, andenpladsen 2000$ og tredjepladsen 1000$. Der vil også være en "Media's Choice" pris på 500$ som gives til den der har fået flest stemmer af medierne (heriblandt HWT).

Mere information med links til deltagerne i konkurrencen og liste over sponsorer og Media Partners kan ses i dette link:

Link: Computex CyberMods


“LIVE” Competition Creates New Highlight at COMPUTEX 2017

COMPUTEX 2017 is establishing a special stage for gaming exhibitors and modders. By bringing the best modders in the world to show-off their skills in this momentous event, local and international visitors will appreciate the growth, value, innovation, and high performance of the enchanting development of the gaming industry.

The COMPUTEX Modding Challenge – CyberMods is open for local and international media to cast ballot for the favorite team. The team with the most votes will be awarded the "Media's Choice" Award on June 2. Participating media will also be eligible to enter in a raffle event. Media friends are welcome to report on this competition and at the same time, to cast the ballot for the favorite team.


This is a period of time where modders will have a time span of 24 hours to build their case mod in front of the audience. The modders must complete the project at COMPUTEX.


CyberMods 24hrs will be taking place at COMPUTEX 2017

4F Light Gallery, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1


May 30th – June 2nd 2017, competition event starts from 9:30AM to 6:00PM every day

June 3rd, Modders will be presenting their PC built from 9:30AM to 4:00PM


  • 1st Place = $3000 USD
  • 2nd Place = $2000 USD
  • 3rd Place = $1000 USD
  • Media’s Choice = $500 USD

Media’s Choice:

This award category is given to the winning team voted by the media. This award category is to show CyberMedia’s gratitude towards the media and their importance within this event.

Participating media will be eligible to join a raffle after the event to take home a major prize during the awarding ceremony on June 2nd, 4PM.



Husk at følge HWT når vi dækker Computex 2017