Barebones d. 18. februar. 2021, skrevet af cmnielsen 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 1547 gange.
De nye 800 GB-modeller til SNV3400 M.2 2280 og SNV3500 M.2 22110 NVMe SSD-linjer kan cache flere data, hvilket giver højere og mere ensartede forbedringer af ydeevnen i forhold til HDD. Dette kommer specielt bruger med store mængder data til gode.
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Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. 18th February 2021 - Synology Inc. today announced two additions to its enterprise-class M.2 NVMe solid-state drive line for SSD caching, and its latest generation 10/25GbE network cards to drive forward storage and networking performance on its storage solutions.
New 800 GB models for the SNV3400 M.2 2280 and SNV3500 M.2 22110 NVMe SSD lines are designed to let users with larger data sets cache more data, allowing for higher and more consistent performance improvements over HDD-based arrays.
The dual-port 10GbE SFP+ E10G21-F2 compliments the existing lineup of high-speed NICs, while the dual-port 25GbE SFP28 E25G21-F2 provides customers with even faster 25GbE connectivity options.
"Our latest NAS models are built for expansion so that they can meet our customers' future storage, caching, and connectivity needs," says Peggy Weng, Synology Product Manager. "With this latest wave of releases, we build on that foundation to offer a solid ecosystem of first-party storage and networking options."
Supporting larger SSD cache applications
"To satisfy a growing need for cost-effective but high performance and high capacity storage, we introduced our M.2 NVMe SSDs last year to specifically target cache usage," says Julien Chen, Product Manager at Synology. "Our enterprise-class drives have been well received for their reliable performance and seamless integration with our product lineup."
"Our two new, higher-capacity models announced today will allow users with bigger pools of hot data to better reap the benefits of the NVMe SSD cache, maximizing the performance an HDD array can output in a very economical way," Julien Chen said.
Synology SNV3000 series SSD is designed to support heavy caching applications where data integrity is of paramount importance, including virtualization, high-traffic volume database storage, and AI and HPC projects.
With over 205,000/40,000 4K maximum random read/write IOPS1 and a 500 TBW endurance rating2, the SNV3000 series consistently delivers fast caching and effectively reduces latency in scenarios from multimedia post-production to database applications.
Full integration with Synology's DiskStation Manager (DSM) enables lifetime analytics for each SNV3000 series unit based on actual workloads.3 Timely notifications when replacement is recommended help users make the most out of each drive's lifespan.
More bandwidth for multi-user and data-intensive applications
"With more businesses relying on data-intensive applications, we see a consistent need for systems capable of handling higher data throughput," says Peggy Weng. "That's why we are introducing 25GbE NICs to our lineup."
The E10G21-F2 and E25G21-F2 boost throughput and performance of compatible Synology systems for bandwidth-heavy tasks such as distributed computing, AI, or big data applications, backing up large numbers of devices, or supporting more simultaneous users for centralized file or block storage applications.
The E25G21-F2 is backward-compatible with 10GbE SFP+ equipment, reducing installation and implementation costs in hybrid networks.
•High Performance
Over 375,000/70,000 sustained 4K random read/write IOPS for demanding I/O1
•Enterprise-Grade Endurance
Suitable for intensive caching workloads at up to 988 TBW2
•Robust Data Protection
End-to-end data protection ensures data integrity
•Lifetime Analytics
Actionable insight helps make optimal use of SNV3000 series SSD performance and longevity
•Built for Synology Systems
Proven interoperability with Synology systems through rigorous validation
The E10G21-F2, E25G21-F2, SNV3400-800G, and SNV3500-800G are available starting today from Synology resellers globally.
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