ELSA sætter ny og bedre web site op......

Diverse d.  07. december. 2000, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 803 gange.

ELSA with new improved Web Site

Better overview and easier navigation at http://www.elsa.com

Aachen, December 7, 2000 - ELSA ("Neuer Markt", WKN 507
360), one of the world?s leading vendors of solutions for
Internet access and computer graphics, presents a
completely new Internet appearance. An entirely new web
design introduced at http://www.elsa.com leads visitors even
faster to the information they need. The newly created layout
and optimized content structure provide an improved
overview and is even better customer oriented than before.
Moreover, intuitively designed navigation options simplify
browsing the extensive information on offer.

An improved server structure assures a rapid flow of
information even with the continually increasing number of
visitors to the ELSA web site, currently about 300,000 a
month on average. To reflect the high level of commitment in
the international target markets in which ELSA currently
records particularly strong growth, branches in foreign
countries are also presenting new web designs in order to
ensure a consistent worldwide ELSA Internet appearance.


Corporate Background ELSA

ELSA is one of the leading providers of Internet access and
computer graphics solutions for the PC. Its product range includes
modems, ISDN adapters, ISDN and DSL routers, videoconferencing
systems, graphics boards and monitors. ELSA was founded in 1980
and today has around 700 employees. In addition to its headquarters
in Aachen, Germany, it also maintains subsidiaries in San José (USA),
Taipei (Taiwan) and Tokyo (Japan) as well as in London (UK),
Paris (France), Milan (Italy) Madrid (Spain) and Stockholm (Sweden).
Since June 1998, ELSA AG shares are traded on the "Neuer Markt"
trading segment (WKN 507 360) of the Frankfurt stock exchange in Germany.