Intel og IBM annoncerer nye teknologier

Diverse d.  11. december. 2000, skrevet af HBJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 535 gange.

Fandt lige denne nyhed på Yahoo:

citat[Intel has developed a transistor that is just 0.03 microns wide, allowing the Santa Clara, Calif.-based chipmaker to build microprocessors that have more than 400 million transistors and run at 10 gigahertz.

That type of speed and performance, Intel said, would make real the possibility of real-time voice translation, for example. The tiny, speedy transistor would also mean that a $1,500 computer using a chip with the transistors would have as much power as some mainframe computers available now, costing millions of dollars.]

Intel regner med at teknologien er klar til brug om 5 til 10 år...


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