Nyhedsbrev fra Corsair Memory

Diverse d.  28. december. 2000, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 693 gange.

Memory Beat by Corsair - http://www.corsairmicro.com/main/technl.htm

M E M O R Y B E A T b y C O R S A I R
D e c e m b e r , 2 0 0 0
In this issue:

* Happy Holidays from Corsair
* Corsair Memory Now Available at Fry's Electronics
* Introducing Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM DIMMs
* Corsair Now Offering 150MHz Modules
* Ram Guy Seminar: The Lowdown on ECC


Happy Holidays from Corsair!

Our heartfelt best wishes for a happy holiday season and a prosperous year
ahead. We thank you, our partners, suppliers, and customers, for the
success Corsair has enjoyed this year.


Corsair Memory Now Available at Fry's Electronics!

Corsair has announced the official signing of Fry's Electronics as an
Elite National Retailer for Corsair's line of memory products. Fry's will
be retailing most of Corsair's extensive memory offering, including SDRAM,
DDR, and Rambus modules.

Fry's Electronics operates 17 stores nationwide. Fry's services the
hi-tech professional by focusing on providing each customer with fast,
friendly, courteous service. Fry's is the place where a technical customer
can shop with confidence and comfort.


Introducing DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM DIMMs

Corsair has announced that it is now offering Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM
DIMMs. Both registered and unbuffered modules will be offered, in sizes of
128MB, 256MB, and 512MB. DDR memory technology effectively doubles the
peak memory bandwidth by transferring data on both edges of the memory
clock. This improvement in performance is made while concurrently reducing
the power consumption of the memory subsystem.



Corsair Now Offering 150MHz Modules

Corsair is now offerring 150MHz modules. These modules have been 100%
tested on our 150MHz test setup. 128MB modules are available now; 256MB
modules will be available early next year.



Ram Guy Seminar: The Lowdown on ECC

Ever wonder whether or not you should use ECC memory in your system? Let
the Ram Guy set you straight....



Copyright December, 2000, Corsair Memory, Inc. All rights reserved. See
www.corsairmicro.com/main/legal.html for terms of use.

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