NVIDIA appoints Gainward

Diverse d.  18. januar. 2001, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 577 gange.

Gainward har gjort det rigtig godt med hensyn til deres nVIDIA produktion - så godt, at de af nVIDIA er blevet "CERTIFIED SELECT SOLUTION PROVIDER " .
Dette garanterer systemhuse og systembyggere, at der er et tæt løbende samarbejde mellem nVIDIA og Gainward vedr. udvikling, software, driver - når de køber et Gainward produkter

Taipei - Hong Kong - Fremont/Ca., - Amsterdam - Munich - Jan 16th, 2001. Gainward Co., Ltd, a leading manufacturer of high performance 3D graphics and DVD accelerators, today announced that Gainward has been appointed by NVIDIA ?Certified Select Solution Provider? for the European System Builder market place.
?Excellent product reviews in European top computer magazines, an increasing amount of industry awards, #1 ranking in monthly TOP 10 listings, and a broad acceptance of Gainward?s products in the system builder market contributed to Gainward?s 1200% growth of monthly revenue in the past 6 months,? said Hans-Wolfram Tismer, General Manager of Gainward Europe GmbH headquartered in Munich, Germany. ?We are very pleased that the quality of Gainward?s products encouraged NVIDIA to invite Gainward to establish an even closer partnership by joining the program.?
NVIDIA offers System Builders a targeted program which includes a guaranteed level of product quality, outstanding service, and support and Top to Bottom, and one stop shopping for all 3D graphics products.

To guarantee the quality, service, support, and compatibility that System Builders deserve, NVIDIA only offer this program through a few selected key providers ? designated as certified ?Select Solu-tions?. All System Builders that participate in the Select Builder program must purchase from Select Solution Providers to receive program benefits. As a ?Certified Select Solution Provider? Gainward delivers all of the above aspects.
Gainward further enhances all products with its unique value adds including Gain-ward?s award winning XPERToolTM performance tuning utility for easy customized performance enhancement, Gainward?s unique High-Performance/Wide-BandwidthTM hardware design to assure outstanding stability and multi-lingual, easy plug-and-play AUTORUN installation from CD-ROM.
All of Gainward?s products are also backed by a 36 months limited warranty, free hot-line support, and continuously updated free driver update support through the internet

( www.gainward.de or www.gainward.com ).