GeForce 3 Preview @ Tom's Hardware Guide

Diverse d.  27. februar. 2001, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 493 gange.

Tom's Hardware Guide har kigget nærmere på teknologien, bag nVidias nye GeForce 3 grafikprocessor. Og det er blevet til ikke mindre end 36 sider !!! Så hvis du keder dig, og har en halv times tid til rådighed, skulle du måske læse om den mest avancerede grafikprocessor nogensinde...
This article is supposed to introduce the vast amount of GeForce3's new features. It is trying to show you the benefits of its DirectX8 implementation, but also checking for some possible flaws. You won't find any benchmark results in this first piece that I am writing about GeForce 3, because those are not supposed to be published before GeForce3 has got a bullet proof set of drivers. However, right now those 'bar graphs' may not be the biggest catch. The really impressive part of GeForce3 is its new technology. The name 'GeForce3' may make it look as if it was a mere successor of NVIDIA's two previous chips GeForce256 and GeForce2, but while it may still include quite a bit of the technology of its predecessors, its new technology is certainly marking a quantum leap for what will be possible in future 3D-applications.

There are actually a few benchmark results hidden in the article. Good luck finding them!
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