Diverse d.  28. februar. 2001, skrevet af SOS 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 451 gange.

Fandt lige det her.:
We had to back rev the latest set of clients. V2.8012.466 contains a bug
that will produce bad results. Please downgrade to clients in the v2.8010.*
family. All v2.8012 clients have been removed from the download page
(http://www.distributed.net/download/clients.html) At this time we are
not rejecting results from v2.8012, but in the near future we will be.

Stats credit will continue to be given up until the time we start
rejecting v2.8012 work.

We will pre-release fixed clients ASAP, but once again for the time being
please downgrade to v2.8010 or before.

Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
