Nvidia lancerer Geforce2 MX 200 og 400

Diverse d.  06. marts. 2001, skrevet af HBJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 547 gange.

Faldt over denne nyhed:

citat[The addition of the GeForce2 MX 200 and 400 gives us a well-rounded family of mainstream GPUs with multi-market, high-volume appeal,'' stated Dan Vivoli, senior vice president of marketing at NVIDIA. ``The value segment of the mainstream market has been demanding GeForce2-class graphics for some time. Now, NVIDIA can offer a complete, high-performance GPU family to meet the needs of our OEMs and their customers.''

The GeForce2 MX family now includes two new GPUs - the original GeForce2 MX (128-bit SDR/64-bit DDR/64-bit SDR solutions); the GeForce2 MX 200 (64-bit SDR solution); and the GeForce2 MX 400 (64-bit DDR/128-bit SDR) - for the most cost-effective, flexible graphics solutions available.]

Det er vist det man i markedsføringssproget kalder "at malke sin kasseko" :-) !!!

link: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/010306/2214.html