Diverse d. 29. marts. 2001, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 389 gange.
ABIT is proud to announce the launch of the KT7E. This newest AMD-based motherboard is based on VIA?s KT133E chipset. The KT7E is an ATX form-factor mainboard designed for use with all AMD-K7 ?Socket A? 200MHz FSB processors, including ?Thunderbirds? as well as ?Durons.? It supports all normal industry standard functions, including Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI), AGP 1X/2X/4X and 100/133MHz SDRAM Memory Bus Settings. The KT7E features three 168-pin DIMM sockets supporting PC100/PC133 SDRAM modules and Suspend-To-RAM (STR).Du kan læse ressemeddelelsen her: http://www.abit.com.tw/english/press/2001/press035.htm
The KT7E includes VIA?s 686B chipset, allowing for ATA/100 support. Ultra ATA/100, or Ultra DMA/100 is an extension of the current Ultra ATA/33 interface. This new high-speed interface has a 100 Mbytes/sec transfer rate and maximized disk performance under the current PCI local bus environment.