1.2GHz Tualatin

Diverse d.  13. august. 2001, skrevet af SOS 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 312 gange.

Så har LostCircuit testet Intels nyeste Pentium3. Forskellen mellem denne udgave og den "gamle" coppermine version er at den har fået mere level2 cache og afstanden mellem transistorerne er formindstet fra 0,18 til 0.13 micron ! Dette er gjort for at give bedre ydelse og højere hastigheder...
De har testet den sammen med et Intel D815EEA2U og op mod forskellige procesorer...

"The probably last version of the PIII, Tualatin does not bring much new technology on the table. A die shrink to 0.13 µm interconnect technology, however, shortens internal traces, which results in higher speedgrades than hitherto possible while at the same time greatly reducing power. The entire core is embedded in a metal slug which increases the transfer of heat away from the core, reduces thermal expasion-induced mechanical stress and suppresses EMI. The result is a revamped PentiumIII with approximately 18-20% reduced power consumption on a clock by clock comparison. The addition of a new Data Prefetch Logic (DPL), adopted from the Pentium4 compensates for the single data rate interface and gives the Tualatin a certain performance edge. Currently priced above the Pentium4, the Tualatin is difficult to position in the market place but has definite advantages over any other CPU in its frequency class when it comes to power and cooling issues. The Intel D815EEA2U mainboard as a platform for the Tualatin is a fully integrated board but appears to suffer from internal collisions when on-board features are used. "

Link: http://www.lostcircuits.com/cpu/tualatin/