Anandtech tester VIA P4X266

Diverse d.  15. august. 2001, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 420 gange.

Selvom det så meget positivt ud i de første tests, som vi så i går, viser nyeste tests på Anandtech at VIA's nye Apollo P4X266 ikke kan følge med i850, men det er bestemt ikke langt efter.
For the most part, the P4X266 is a viable alternative to the i850. It is only under games that you lose a significant amount of performance and even then only at lower, non-video bottlenecked resolutions. VIA's pricing on the chipset should be comparable to what they are selling the KT266 for, meaning that we should be able to see P4X266 based boards at or above KT266 price levels.

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