Swiftech MCW462

Diverse d.  28. august. 2001, skrevet af SOS 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 435 gange.

Cool Hardwarez har testet Swiftech MCW462 vand-kølehoved! Den er fremstillet af Swiftech, der som altid laver kvalietes varer. Men hvordan yder den ? Tja, det er der jo kun en måde at finde ud af :)

"Out of the box the block has a very nice looking design, it has a smooth and sleek blue top with silver indented letters forming the name Swiftech. On the bottom of this block is a huge copper plate that is quite shiny. The fitting that this block uses is 3/8" but from looking at the connectors it does not look right, but they say its 3/8" so it is. This block only has 1 mounting option, which is included in this review unit. If you wanted a peltier clamp, you'll have to order that version of the block specifically or else you will not be able to do it. "

Link: http://maa.design-tec.net/chardwarez/reviews/cooler/mcw462/index.shtml