Test af Lite-On LTR16101B

Diverse d.  30. august. 2001, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 411 gange.

Hardware Extreme has posted a review of the Lite-On LTR16101B, this is one of the least expensive CDRWs available today. It runs at 16x10x40 and include burnproof all for under $120. If you are looking for a cheap but fast CD-Burner this is one you should consider. Below is a snip:

"You just can?t beat the price on this drive. At $118, it?s the cheapest 161040 CD-RW drive I?ve seen so far in my ?expeditions?. A combination of good reading and writing speed make this drive another winner for LiteOn."

URL : Direct Link - http://www.hwextreme.com/reviews/cd-roms/liteon_ltr16101b/