Diverse d.  04. september. 2001, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 456 gange.

Det vælter ind med test af det nye chipsæt: VIA KT266A.
Det er selvfølgelig også positivt at have noget at sammenligne med.
Men det hele tyder på at dette chipsæt kun kender en vej.......fremad.

After running a shortcut from SDRAM to DDR to satisfy the needs of the market and cutting a few corners, VIA is back with a vengence. By no means is the older KT266 chipset a bad performer, however, with a maximum supported burst-lenght of 4 quadwords, the KT266 is not really in a position to utilize the full potential of DDR. Surprisingly enough, in real world applications, even the current revision holds its position compared to any SDRAM solution and doesn't fall far behind other chipsets either. ...." lavede en gennemgående test af chipsættet, læs den her: