Diverse d. 08. september. 2001, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 484 gange.
Santa Clara, Calif.-based Intel on Friday filed suit in U.S. District Court in Delaware. The lawsuit alleges that Via's P4X266 and P4M266 chipsets, which were released earlier this month, infringe on five Intel patents. S3, a former graphics chip powerhouse that is working with Via on the chipsets, was also named as a defendant.Du kan læse mere her: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/cn/20010907/tc/intel_sues_via_as_chipset_wars_begin_anew_1.html
Via's two chipsets essentially allow computer makers to put DDR DRAM, a high-speed form of standard computer memory, inside computers with Pentium 4 chips. Currently, only Rambus memory can be used inside Pentium 4 computers, although chipsets that let PC makers use ordinary SDRAM will come out Monday.