HUGO er på banen......

Diverse d.  21. oktober. 2001, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 270 gange.

Vi kender jo alle HUGO - fra TV og fra ungernes computer, nu har Interactive Television Entertainment ApS (ITE) netop annonceret det nye HUGO spil "Black Diamond Fever" så der bliver igen gang i HUGU og HUGOline.........læs pressemeddelsen her:


Interactive Television Entertainment ApS (ITE) has just announced the
release of Hugo - Black Diamond Fever, targeted at PC, PlayStation and Game
Boy Color. Black Diamond Fever is more entertaining, more hilarious and more
incredible that previous instalments of the Hugo series.

Scylla the evil witch is causing trouble once again, and this time she has
in her possession the formula for supreme evil! What a disaster! But fear
not, Scylla needs the black diamonds for her formula and these can only be
found on Jungle Island where the Kikurians live. But with the help of Don
Croco she has captured all the Kikurians and forced them to toil in the
mines all day and night. ARGG! Don Croco has positioned his soldiers all
over the island to keep the Kikurians enslaved and they will do anything to
prevent uninvited intruders from stopping the evil witch!

Oh my god. something needs to be done!!

Can you help charming Hugo to save the Kikurians and ensure that Scylla is
prevented from casting her spell of supreme evil??? Are you TROLL enough to
take upon the task of going against Don Croco and the witch? Hugo needs your
help - please don't let him down!

Black Diamond Fever is an action adventure crammed with entertainment! The
game features more than 12 different exotic (and dangerous) environments
with endless hours of fun! The game exploits the latest technology to create
an exiting and visually stunning scenario combined with excellent gameplay.
Featuring an almost unlimited numbers of levels Black Diamond Fever will
keep even the most hardened gamer glued to the screen until each and every
Kikurian is saved from the evil witch. With your help Jungle Island can once
again become a peaceful place to live and the Kikurians freed from

Hugo - Black Diamond Fever is available for PC, PlayStation and Color Game
Boy. For further information, artwork, other deliverables and sample
products, please contact:

United Coders
Boholtevej 42
DK - 4600 Koege
Tel. +45 5665 5499

About ITE:
Interactive Television Entertainment Aps (ITE) is one of the leading
producers of interactive TV game shows, broadcasted to 25% of viewers
worldwide. Especially famous is Hugo the TV-Troll who has been sold in more
than 35 countries all over the world. ITE employees more than 100 people at
the Copenhagen head office. ITE is the largest interactive developer in
Denmark and its portfolio of products is targeted at PlayStation, PC, Game
Boy, PlayStation 2, Set top boxes and the Internet. The ITE products are
distributed in more than 30 countries around the world and in total more
than 4 million products have been shipped.