Epox 8K3A+

Diverse d.  19. marts. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1028 gange.

Tweaktown har testet Epox's bud på et bundkort med Via's nyeste chipset, nemlig KT333.
De har sat det op mod et Epox 8KHA+ som bygger på Via's KT266A chipset.
Kortet klarer testen ret godt, og scorer en enorm god karakter.
Her er lidt fra Tweaktown:

"By now, most of us are aware of the new KT333 chipset that is hitting the streets in force. But what can it do that the KT266A can't? Come join TweakTown as they take a look at the EPoX 8K3A+ Motherboard. It features this very same chipset, and we'll let you know just what it can do... and what it can't."

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