Cebit @ Overclockers Online

Diverse d.  02. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 326 gange.

Overclockers Online var som så mange andre også i Hannover til den store messe: Cebit 2002.
De har nu fået lavet deres "Review" af Cebit, og skrevet en rigtig masse spændende ting, om de mange nye produkter der er på vej.
Smut over forbi og se hvad de har lavet:

"Another year, another CeBIT to attend! Two weeks ago I and Steven paid a visit to the largest computer fair on the globe in Hannover, Germany. At CeBIT all the latest computer hardware is showed but also other stuff like telecom, networking, ... is displayed. In fact, CeBIT houses everything that is technology related. Of course we were only interested in the computer hardware sections, covering everything from motherboards to processors to watercooling, power supplies and cases. Last year, March 2001, was our very first CeBIT visit, so we were a lot more prepared this year! What experiences did we go through? What hardware was on display? All these questions and more are answered in our "CeBIT 2002 Editorial"."